Thursday 9 May 2013

My Favorite Things...

When studying what this homemaker malarky was all about, I came across some great ideas, from a home management binder to great organizing ideas.

Now one of the big things I have realized (after a dozen failed projects and wasted supplies) is that each family is different with different needs and strengths. Once this sunk in, I was able to look at other's ideas and work out what was worth giving a go, and what would not work in a million years for us. 

Having said that, one thing I think is a great tool for ANY family is a favorite meal list. 
Any family trying to work toward real food needs a plan, and the starting point, in my view would be to make a list of the top 20 or so meals that your family love and eat on a regular basis. 

This is so helpful when looking at your weekly or monthly meal plan, because you can easily slot in your go-to meals, and then fill in the blanks with a new recipe you've been wanting to try, or a take out night....

Ours consists of things like Curry, Quiche, Toad in the Hole, Fish cakes and Sweet and Sour (which is actually brown, when made from scratch, not bright ORANGE!!!)

I keep this in my binder to make meal planning that bit simpler, and lets face it, who doesn't want that!

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