Thursday 9 May 2013

Coffee, Eggs and no TV

My 10 week old puppy decided that 5.30am was a great time to wake up for the day, so my other dog and I embraced the morning with a much needed coffee!! (not Poppy, just mama) 

I have tried to use this time (v.early of the a.m) to develop my morning habit of spending some quiet time with God, something that I have always struggled with sustaining, so when the children wake up around 7.30, the house is still quiet. (not all of that time is spent in prayer, I'm not superwoman!!)
Eggs on toast all ready to be cooked, they trundle down one by one.

For the past 3 mornings, my youngest, Little Bud, has come down asking to put the T.V on. This might not seem odd in itself, but it has really been disturbing me of late, just how much T.V we watch. I went through a phase of wanting to get rid of it altogether, but hubby was flat out against that. I've noticed, though, that we seem to default to pressing that little red button on the remote more and more and how many times do we say, "there's nothing on!" 

So, it is my mission to reduce the black box consumption in my home and get back to good old fashioned things, like talking, drawing, writing, laughing together and I might even invest in a board game or two.....

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